日期:2022-09-01 浏览
通货膨胀影响了80%美国劳动力的职业决定 根据FlexJobs的一份报告,由于当前的经济环境,80%的美国劳动力报告称通货膨胀正在影响他们的职业决定。 报告还发现,对三分之一的受访者来说,通胀目前是影响职业选择的一个重要因素,而对46%的受访者来说,通胀要么是一个因素,要么至少是一个小因素;17%的人表示,通胀目前并没有影响他们的职业选择,剩下3%的人表示不确定。 此外,73%的受访者说,对经济衰退的担忧正在影响他们的职业选择,但影响程度小于通胀压力。 Due to the current economic environment, 80% of the US workforce reported that inflation is impacting their career decisions, according to a report by FlexJobs. The report also found that inflation is currently a huge factor in career decisions for one-third of the respondents, while it is either a factor or a small factor for 46%; 17% cited that inflation is not driving their career decisions at present, and the remaining 3% were unsure. Additionally, 73% of respondents said recession concerns are impacting their career choices, but to a lesser extent than inflationary pressures. FlexJobs的职业服务经理Toni Frana说:“通胀压力和对经济衰退的担忧是可以理解的。然而,即使在经济不确定的时期,招聘仍在发生。” 当被问及对自己目前找到新工作的能力有多大信心时,45%的受访者表示他们有一定信心,26%的人表示非常有信心,17%的人表示完全没有信心,12%的人表示非常有信心。 当被问及对自己谈判薪资和福利的能力有多大信心时,43%的人表示有一定信心,28%的人表示非常有信心;19%的人表示完全不自信;剩余10%表示非常自信。 “It's understandable inflation pressure, and recession fears are growing concerns for the majority of today's workers,” said Toni Frana, FlexJobs’ career services manager. “However, hiring still happens –– even during times of economic uncertainty.” When asked how confident they are in their ability to find a new job right now, 45% of respondents reported they were somewhat confident, 26% said they were very confident, 17% said they were not confident at all and 12% were extremely confident. When asked how confident they are in their ability to negotiate salary and benefits, 43% said they were somewhat confident, followed by very confident, 28%; not confident at all, 19%; and extremely confident, 10%. 报告其他的发现: 44%的人认为来年找一份远程工作很难,只有33%的人认为会很容易。19%的人不确定,剩下的4%的人认为不会有变化。 25%的人已经被解雇或知道身边其他人已经被解雇,而18%的人从4月份以来已经被撤销过工作邀请或知道其他人也被撤销过。 43%的人说,过去一年他们找工作比以往花了更多的时间,34%的人说他们花的时间更少,23%的人说没有变化。 37%的人对职业诈骗非常关注。 16%的人后悔自疫情开始以来接受了一份工作,而另外16%的人知道身边有人后悔自同期以来接受了一份工作。最主要的原因包括不良的公司文化(28%);不好的老板,26%;不被尊重或者被低估,23%;太大压力,23%;工资低或不公平薪资,22%;工作-生活平衡差,21%。 Other findings: 44% think it will be hard to get a remote job in the coming year, and only 33% think it will be easy. Nineteen percent were unsure, and the remaining 4% did not anticipate a change. 25% have been laid off or know someone else who has, while 18% have had an offer rescinded or know someone else who has since April. 43% said it took them more time to find a job in the past year than in their previous job searching experiences, while 34% cited it took them less time, and 23% reported no change. 37% feel very concerned about job scams. 16% regretted accepting a job offer since the pandemic began, while another 16% know someone that has regretted accepting a job offer since the same period. Top reasons include toxic company culture, 28%; bad boss, 26%; felt disrespected/undervalued, 23%; too stressful, 23%; low or unfair pay, 22%; poor work-life balance, 21%. FlexJobs“2022年职业调查”于7月13日至7月31日进行,包括了4,502名专业人士的回复。


